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10-M, 12-F, optional extras
WWII - Soviet Union
Time: Approx. 90 minutes
Full length drama

The true story of Soviet women bomber pilots who flew and fought during WWII.


Nadia and Raisa are friends and teenage pilots who live in the Soviet Union in 1941.  When Germany invades, they join a women’s regiment being formed by the famous Soviet pilot Marina Raskova, and meet girls from all over the country who have come to be pilots, navigators and mechanics.  Marina Raskova and Major Yelena Smirnova must train the girls with inferior equipment and supplies, and often run into trouble with their commander, General Kozlov. 


Meanwhile German soldiers are advancing.  At first they are arrogant, thinking they will crush the Soviet Union and take Moscow without trouble.  Later they find that it is not as easy as they expected, between the Soviet women and the Russian winter.  They begin calling the women “Night Witches” because of the sound their planes make when they glide in to drop bombs.


The women are crushed when Marina is killed in a plane crash.  Her replacement is a man, Major Markhov.  But Markhov is capable and concerned about the girls’ welfare.  He demands much from them and teaches them self-defense.  After countless missions and heartbreak, the invaders are beaten back and the war draws to a close.   

Voice-overs add drama to battle scenes and German soldiers downstage pose a continual threat to the Russian women.  Features an easy-to-build on-stage airplane.


7M, 5F, 3 Either, optional extras
Set:  Interior 1920's Living Room
Time: 75 min
Full length comedy

Set in 1920’s Chicago, this light-hearted comedy is as family friendly as they come. Everything’s coming up roses for gangster Primo Malvone, or so his wife Isabella thinks.  She’s under the impression that Primo finally got out of “the business” to become a florist!  But he’s in deeper than ever — his accountant has disappeared with $50,000, rival mob boss Mama Mia wants a meeting, and important businessman Rico Linguini is in town looking for a new supplier.  When Isabella’s famous opera singer brother comes to town, she decides to throw him a party and then invites Mama Mia and her thugs!  The conniving Mama Mia then turns around and invites the cops!  Meanwhile, Primo’s three daughters and the missing accountant hatch a plot to make Primo get out of “the business” and go straight, once and for all.  No shooting, no drinking, no gambling -  just fun colorful characters, slapstick comedy and a surprise ending that everyone will love!


7M, 7F, 4 Either, optional extras
Set:  Exterior Island 
Time: 50 min
Full length comedy

Pirate Captain Blackboot and  Scurvy Sal are leaders of rival pirate bands looking for treasure on a desert island, but they have company.  A trio of nerdy ornithologists are looking for a rare sea duck, a mysterious castaway is stealing things and a reporter keeps sticking her nose into their business.  The pirates from both bands disguise themselves to try to find out what the other is up to, but things go awry very quickly.  To complicate things, a lunatic queen arrives and offers a great reward to anyone who can find her something “interesting”.  This sends everyone on a wild treasure hunt through the audience.  It’s a treasure chest full of laughs!  Simple staging and flexible casting make this easy.  Colorful characters and lots of action make it fun!

Play no.3
Play no.2
Play no. 4


7M, 9F, 6 Either, optional extras
Set: Castle Int. plus one small side set  
Time: 85 min
Full length comedy

Take a witch, a monster, noble knights and fair ladies, sprinkle them with magic and what do you have? Magical, merry mayhem! In the kingdom of Camelot, Morgan Le Fay and her bumbling assistants are plotting to get rid of King Arthur. But their efforts are thwarted by a crazy ogre named Goric, who is demanding to know what women really want, and threatening to eat everyone in the kingdom until he finds out! Queen Guinevere, trying to help, makes everything worse by giving a magic potion to Lancelot. Will Arthur find the answer to the ogre's question? Will Lancelot run off with Guinevere? And who will stop Morgan - the sword-happy knights, the man-crazy ladies, the minstrel who can't sing, or perhaps Merlin? Find out in this magical romp with easy-to-stage special effects!


7-8M, 6-7F, 5-8 Either, optional extras
Set: Interior 1938 Radio Station  
Time: 60 min
Full length comedy

It’s 1938, the Golden Age of Radio, but things are not so golden at radio station KTSK. Their best show, “Polly in Peril” is plummeting in the ratings. This is mainly due to Benny, their disastrous sound man who always manages to play the wrong sound at the wrong time. Everyone tries their best to turn things around: the voice actors, the director, even the handyman, but nothing seems to help. However, things change when a pair of bank robbers hole up in the station one night. Using their sound effects, complete with thunder, lightning and an intimidating voice, Benny and company save the day by impersonating God!

Play no. 5
Play no. 1
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